Do you feel like you are out of control of your time?

Do you feel that you are in a competitive competition with time? Do you feel like you have a lot of tasks to get done, and wish the day were 30 hours instead of 24 hours? Do you tend to procrastinate and do only urgent tasks? Do you live according to what you want and desire, or do you leave the task of planning your life to the days as it sees fit? Have you tried a lot to organize your time, but you did not succeed in that, there are still many basic and important tasks that have not been completed yet, and you do not know how to get the time to complete them?

We live in an age of anaesthesia; Addiction has become a way of life in the absence of goals, motives and a message, “How many are addicted to sleep, social media, food, smoking, and staying up late?” Common forms of addiction tell us that there is a real crisis that young people suffer from, transforming circumstances into a scapegoat on which laypeople hang Their failure and inability, they attribute their lack of quest to a lack of opportunities and lack of luck, while striving has nothing to do with circumstances; But with skills, will, awareness and responsibility.

The days pass in a very fast way, and we are far from our goals, and we sleep every day with many goals that we want to achieve, but we console ourselves and tell her: “Don’t worry, tomorrow will be a real birth for our postponed goals.” The days pass, and the expected tomorrow does not come.

We struggle with the love of the goal and the fear of achieving it, and we feel that the path to the goal is not clear and the steps are not fixed, so our fear increases, and we surrender to it with the loss of control over our lives, and we convince ourselves that we tried, but the circumstances are greater than us.

We are born on balance; Therefore, turmoil and conflicts are necessary in our lives to bring us to a stage of balance, and we are naturalized on integrated roles, so you need to live your truth in all aspects; Physical, psychological, spiritual and mental.

Problems begin in life; when you favour one side over the other, the real strength is to play all the roles with great skill.

How can you sleep satisfied with your performance during the day? How can you feel that time is your friend and not your enemy? This is what we will know through this article.

Tired of planning your day?

Time planning method based on writing detailed assignments tops with their exact times; The list of most of those who seek to organize their time, but this method has negative effects in a way through which a person may reach boredom and completely cancel the organization of his time; When an emergency happens with a person within the specified time to complete a task; He feels that his daily schedule has been completely messed up and that he is unable to carry on with the next tasks.

On the other hand, a person may rely on planning his goals and then think that this will lead to the organization of his time automatically; however, he is shocked that he is still out of control of his time.

So, what is the best way to organize your time, in such a way that you spend the hours of your day doing the best and most effective thing?

Is time or balance that matters?

We have become slaves of time, gasping in life to try to keep up with its fast pace, and we pay the greatest attention to the tasks that are binding on us, the abolition of which has a negative impact on our professional future, without knowing whether these tasks are identical with our personality and orientations or whether they have been imposed on us as a result of society and the traditional career path, and without evaluating the location of those tasks in the scale of needs and their integration with the rest of the needs.

And we turned into robots, nothing more, thinking about time and the need to complete urgent and necessary tasks, without thinking about quality or achieving the message and goal, and we forgot that time is on our side, and that we are the ones who can control it,

Thinking about time management made us to think more about ourselves, and to discover its message and passion, that is, to know your compass, and this is the essence of planning and organizing time.

The issue is nothing more than a compass:

In order to organize your time properly, you must be aware of your inner compass; it is the one who determines where you are going, so that your tension and loss disappears, and you become the control of your time.

In order to build your compass, you must first define “who you are,” that is, be aware of your mission and values ​​in life, and make your conscience and your inner voice sober, know your goals completely, and draw in your mind a final picture of you while achieving your goal. For example: If you say: “I am so-and-so, my message in life is to share with people ideas that enrich their lives and bring them closer to God Almighty, and my first goal is to present a program that helps me deliver my message to people, and my task is to constantly strive to make the best version of me, and then Helping people too. 

And then comes the second question that you should ask yourself: “Are the tasks that I do on a daily basis consistent with my values, mission and goals?”

The tasks must be divided into four sections to answer this question, which:

1. Important and Non-Urgent Tasks:

These tasks should take up most of your time during the day; these types of tasks make your life more quality, rich and abundant, such as planning for the future and goals, preparing for something, planning to break a bad habit, or preventing disease.

2. Urgent and Important Tasks:

These are tasks that are very urgent and important, such as: tasks related to disasters, exams, illness, or a deadline.

3. Non-Important and Non-Urgent Tasks:

These are the tasks that waste most of your time, such as: browsing social media, gossip aimlessly, sleeping excessively, and playing games.

4. Unimportant and Urgent Tasks:

Like answering phone calls or text messages, doing fun things, or having visitors.

Figure out what tasks you spend your time on during the day, and strive to make the most of your time on important, non-urgent tasks.

You should know that your mind always tends to rest, and will do everything in its power to urge you to postpone doing tasks, as soon as you resolve to start with your goal, your mind begins to generate distracting thoughts, such as reminding you to make phone calls with your friends, or inviting you to pamper yourself and go to a nice place; To charge yourself with energy and then return to work, and many other thoughts that keep you away from your goal and prevent you from focusing; Therefore, you should not enter into conflict with your mind, but rather you should motivate it to take on the tasks by associating the task with an immediate reward, such as deciding to focus on doing a task for an hour and then you will get a ten-minute break during which you browse social media, or listen to a song  but Linking the task to a reward, you spend your days feeding one aspect of your life aspects and neglecting the others.

This question leads us to the necessity of balancing the four aspects of human life; The spiritual, mental, physical and social aspect. You won't be happy if you get a prestigious job position but you don't have any friend to trust. You will not achieve comfort and confidence if you are very social, but you are not satisfied with your diet and body shape.

So, if you evaluate a task, you should ask yourself: “Which of the four aspects does this task satisfy?”, “Does it satisfy one aspect at the expense of another?” You may focus your effort and energy on the intellectual side only, without seeking to establish social relationships, without caring about your health, and without trying to improve your spiritual and psychological side; which leads to imbalance and many psychological problems. The more a person achieves a balance between the four aspects; the more happy and satisfied he is.

Will you spend your life with remorse?

Ask yourself: “How many years have you been postponing the achievement of a goal?” “How long have you resolved to do a goal but are held back by your fears?” The question here is: “How long will you stay like this?” Isn’t it time for you to break this fear and free yourself from that laziness and procrastination?

Don't you deserve to sleep satisfied with your day, instead of feelings of remorse and a sense of failure, helplessness and out of control?

Yes, you deserve the best, and you must be the best version of yourself; so define your goal, break it down into smaller goals, and use all you might to accomplish the tasks associated with your goal, in a way that balances your four aspects. Be proactive, cooperative with others, and maintain your good intentions and good will; because everything that is inside you will be translated into material things in your surroundings.

Know that life is short, so do not spend it thinking about small things. Make your focus on big and purposeful things. Wherever your focus is, your life will be.


If you feel that the time is not enough to do the tasks you want, know that the gap is in the way you manage time and not in time itself; So at every hour of your day, as you do a task, ask yourself: “Is this the best task I can do, does this task bring me closer or take me away from my goal, does it saturate an essential aspect of my life, or does it seek to destroy it? ".